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Scientific Council
The tasks of the Scientific Council are described in the Rules of Association of DESY. Among other tasks the Scientific Council
- promotes the cooperation with universities and other research institutes,
- ensures an optimal use of DESY, together with the directorate and the Scientific Committee,
- cooperates in appointments for the directorate and of leading scientists and
- advises DESY on important scientific matters.
Usually the Scientific Council meets twice a year. It consists of up to 15 members, each member is elected for 3 years.
The next meeting of the Scientific Council (172.SC) will be held on Mo/Tue 26/27 May 2025. We will organize this meeting in person at the DESY site Zeuthen and woll provide remote access. A preparation meeting (SC members only) a few days prior to the 172.SC meeting will take place as an online event.
Dial in information for the video/web conference will be given to the SC members and guests in a separate email.
Photo of the Members of the SC and guests at their meeting (166.SC) in May 2022